Paul Brunton was British and wrote his books in English. His original publisher was Rider in the United Kingdom (now Penguin/Random House, Ltd.). Through Rider, PB’s books became available all over the world in many languages as you can see from the list below. A number of these books are still available new or can be found where used books are sold. You should check the available resources/books online in your preferred language. All of them are available in English. After PB’s passing, Larson Publications in the USA published The Notebooks of Paul Brunton in English and they are appearing in other languages as well. (Also see “PB in Other Languages” on this website.)
Language List of the Books by Paul Brunton
A India Secreta | Portuguese | Editora Pensamento |
A Search in Secret India | World English Rights | Rider/Ebury |
India secreta | Romanian | Editura Polirom |
(A Search in Secret India) | Hindi | Manjul Publishing |
Rahasyamay Bharatacha Shodh | Marathi | WOW Publishings Pvt Ltd |
Rahasya Bharatham Lo Naa Adhyathmika Anveshana | Telugu | Manjul Publishing |
India titkai | Hungarian | Rozsavolgyi es Tarsa Kiadasa |
–title unknown | Chinese Simple | Beijing Qingyan Jinghe International |
India. Journey to the Mystery | Chinese Complex | Walkers Cultural Enterprise/ Freedom Hill Creatives |
Yogis Verborgene Weisheit Indiens | German | Aurinia Verlag |
Von Yogis, Magiern und Fakiren | German | Hermann Bauer Verlag (Knaur) |
Yogis Verborgene Weisheit Indiens | German | Wolfgang Kruger Verlag |
–title unknown | Hebrew | Bk. Pub. Of Israel/Even Hoshen LTD |
Indiya Puthaiyal Oru Thedal | Tamil | Kannadhasan Pathippagam |
På spaning I det fördolda Indien | Swedish | Mysteria Forlaget |
Till Indien | Swedish | Larson Sweden |
India Segreta | Italian | Il Punto d’Inconto Edizioni |
Salaista Intiaa etsimassa | Finnish | Karisto Oy |
La India Secreta | Spanish | Editorial Kier |
l’Inde Secrete | French | Payot |
Tajnosti Indicke | Czech | Nakladatelstvi AURA PB |
Verborgen Wijsheid Bij de Jogi’s van Voor-Indie | Dutch | Uitgeversbedrijf De Spieghel |
Bag Indiens Lukkede Dore | Danish | Gyldendal Forlagstrykkei |
Det Hemmelige India | Danish | Sonners Forlag |
Dulheimar Indialands | Icelandic | Utgefundi: Isafoldarprentsmidja H.F. |
(A Search in Secret India) | Sindhi | India Book House (Bombay) |
–title unknown | Norwegian | –publisher unknown |
Sciezkami Jogow | Polish | Ksjaznica, Atlas |
A Search in Secret India | USA English | Dutton & Weiser |
O Caminho Secreto | Portuguese | Editora Pensamento |
The Secret Path | World English Rights | Rider/Ebury |
Cararea secreta | Romanian | Editura Polirom |
El Sendero Secreto | Spanish | Editorial Kier |
Veien inn til deg selv | Norwegian | Fabritius & Sonners Forlag |
Tajna Stezka | Czech | Nakladatelstvi AURA PB |
Der Weg Nach Innen | German | Otto Wilhelm Barth Verlag |
–title unknown | Marathi | WOW Publishings Pvt Ltd |
Den Hemliga Vagen | Swedish | Larson Sweden |
Salainen Tie | Finnish | Karisto Oy |
Le Sentier Cache | French | Editions Adyar |
Il Sentiero Segreto | Italian | Casa Editrice Europa |
De Geheime Weg | Dutch | Uitgeversbedrijf De Spieghel |
Sciezkami Jogow | Polish | Ksjaznica, Atlas |
Den Hemmelige Vej | Danish | Psykisk Forlag |
The Secret Path | India/English | Motilal Banarsidass |
The Secret Path | USA English | Dutton & Weiser |
–title unknown | Hungarian | Szukits Publishers |
Egyptin salaisuuksein jaljilla | Finnish | Arvi A. Karisto Oy |
Geheim Egypte | Dutch | Ankh-Hermes |
Egito Secreto | Portuguese | Editora Ajna |
O Egito Secreto | Portuguese | Editora Pensamento |
Egiptul secret | Romanian | Editura Polirom |
Geheimnisvolles Aegypten | German | Aquamarin Verlag |
Geheimnisvolles Aegypten | German | Rasher (Swiss) |
–title unknown | Marathi | WOW Publishings Pvt Ltd |
Till Egypten | Swedish | Larson Sweden |
El Egipto Secreto | Spanish | Editorial Kier |
L’Egypte Secrete | French | Payot |
Tajnosti Egyptske | Czech | Nakladatelstvi IRIS RR |
–title unknown | Polish | –publisher unknown |
Egitto Segreto | Italian | Edizioni Il Punto d’Incontro |
Hemmelighedsfulde Aegypten | Danish | Strubes Forlag |
Dularmogn Egyptalands | Icelandic | Utgefundi: Isafoldarprentsmidja H.F. |
A Search in Secret Egypt | World English Rights | North Atlantic Books |
A Search in Secret Egypt Deluxe Edition | Deluxe English Rights | Larson US |
A Search in Secret Egypt | UK English | Rider/Ebury |
A Search in Secret Egypt | USA English | Dutton & Weiser |
Mensagem de Arunachala | Portuguese | Editora Pensamento |
Poselstvi Z Arunacaly | Czech | Nakladatelstvi AURA PB |
Et budskab fra Arunachala | Danish | Strubes Forlag |
Un Mensaje Desde Arunachala | Spanish | Editorial Kier |
A Message from Arunachala | Nepal/English | Pilgrims Publishing |
A Message from Arunachala | USA English | Dutton & Weiser |
A Message from Arunachala | UK English | Rider/Ebury |
A Hermit in the Himalayas | World English Rights | Rider/Ebury |
Un eremit in Himalaya | Romanian | Editura Polirom |
Budskabet fra Himalaja | Danish | Strubes Forlag |
Una Ermita en los Himalayas | Spanish | Editorial Kier |
Um Eremita no Himalaia | Portuguese/Brazil | Editora Pensamento |
Um Eremita nos Himalaias | Portuguese/Portugal | Editorial Presenca |
Als Einsiedler in den Himalayas | German | Otto Wilhelm Barth Verlag |
Himalya Ni Ek Tapasvi | Marathi | WOW Publishings Pvt Ltd |
Bharatna Aadhyatmik Rahasyani Khojma | Gujarati | WOW Publishings Pvt Ltd |
–title unknown | Malayalam | DC Books |
Till Himalaya | Swedish | Larson Sweden |
Un ermite dans l’Himalaya | French | Editions du Rocher |
Himalajan erakko: Yksinaisen maanpakolaisen muistelmat | Finnish | Karisto Oy |
Poustevnik v Himalajich | Czech | Nakladatelstvi IRIS RR |
Een Heremiet in de Himalaya | Dutch | A.J.G. Stregholts |
A Hermit in the Himalayas | USA English | Dutton & Weiser |
Otshelnik v Gimalayah | Russian | Sfera Publications |
The Quest of the Overself | World English Rights | Rider/Ebury |
Vagen Till Overjaget vol. 1 & 2 | Swedish | Larson Sweden |
A la Recherche du Soi Supreme | French | Editions Adyar |
A Busca do Eu Superior | Portuguese | Editora Pensamento |
Yliminaa etsimassa | Finnish | Karisto Oy |
La Busqueda del Yo Superior | Spanish | Editorial Kier |
A felsobbrendu En | Hungarian | Szukits Konyvkiado |
Hledani Nadja | Czech | Nakladatelstvi AURA PB |
Alla ricera del Super-Ego | Italian | Casa Editrice Europa |
Het Mysterie van de Mens | Dutch | Uitgeversbedrijf De Spieghel |
Ad Sindets Ukendte Veje | Danish | Strubes Forlag |
Das Uberselbst | German | Hermann Bauer Verlag |
The Quest of the Overself | Nepal/English | Pilgrims Publishing |
The Quest of the Overself | USA English | Dutton & Weiser |
Indicka filozofie a moderni kultura | Czech | Nakladatelstvi AURA PB |
Indisk Visdom Og Vesterlandsk | Danish | Streubs |
Indian Philosophy & Modern Culture | USA English | Dutton |
Indian Philosophy & Modern Culture | UK English | Rider/Ebury |
Den inre verkligheten (pt.1) | Swedish | Larson Sweden |
Bhagavdgitas hemlighet (pt.2) | Swedish | Larson Sweden |
Descopera-te pe tine insuti | Romanian | Editura Polirom |
A Realidade Interna | Portuguese | Editora Pensamento |
Totuuden jaljilla | Finnish | Karisto Oy |
La Realidad Interior | Spanish | Editorial Kier |
La Realite Interieure | French | Payot |
Vnitrni Skutecnost | Czech | Nakladatelstvi IRIS RR |
Entdecke dich selbst | German | Rasher (Swiss) |
De Innerlijke Werkelijkheid | Dutch | Uitgeversbedrijf De Spieghel |
Livits Indre Virkelighed | Danish | Strubes Forlag |
Icsel Gerceklik | Turkish | Ruh ve Madde Yayincilik |
The Inner Reality | Nepal/English | Pilgrims Publishing |
The Inner Reality | World English Rights | North Atlantic Books |
Discover Yourself | USA English | Dutton & Weiser |
The Inner Reality | UK English | Rider/Ebury |
Invatatura secreta de dincolo de yoga | Romanian | Editura Polirom |
Verkligheten bortom yoga | Swedish | Larson Forlag AB |
O Ensinamento Oculto Alem do loga | Portuguese | Editora Pensamento |
Mas Alla del Yoga | Spanish | Editorial Kier |
l’Enseignement Secret Au-Dela du Yoga | French | Payot |
A Joga Titkos Tanitasai | Hungarian | Arkanum Szellemi Iskola Kiado & Szukits Laszlo |
Skryta Nauka za Jogou I | Czech | Nakladatelstvi IRIS RR |
Die Philosophie Der Warheit tiefster Grund Des Yoga | German | Rasher (Swiss) |
Hooger Dan Yoga | Dutch | Uitgeversbedrijf De Spieghel |
The Hidden Teaching Beyond Yoga | Nepal/English | Pilgrims Publishing |
The Hidden Teaching Beyond Yoga | World English Rights | North Atlantic Books |
Visdommens Bog pt. 1 & 2 | Danish | Strubes Forlag |
The Hidden Teaching Beyond Yoga | UK English | Rider/Ebury |
The Hidden Teaching Beyond Yoga | USA English | Dutton & Weiser |
A Sabedoria do Eu Superior | Portuguese | Editora Pensamento |
Sjalens visdom | Swedish | Larson Forlag AB |
Yuce Benligin Bilgeligi | Turkish | Ruh ve Madde Yayinlari |
La Sabiduria del Yo Superior | Spanish | Editorial Kier |
La Sagesse du Moi Supreme | French | Payot |
Az Onvalo Bolcsessege | Hungarian | Arkanum Szellemi Iskola Kiado & Szukits Konyvkiado |
Skryta Nauka za Jogou II (Moudrost Nadja) | Czech | Nakladatelstvi IRIS RR |
Yliminan viisaus | Finnish | Karisto Oy |
Die Weisheit Des Uberselbst | German | Hermann Bauer Verlag |
Alla Ricera dell lo Supremo | Italian | Arminia Editore |
Het Super-Ego | Dutch | Uitgeversbedrijf De Spieghel |
Visdommens Bog | Danish | Strubes Forlag |
Intelepciunea Supraeului | Romanian | Lotus |
The Wisdom of the Overself | World English Rights | North Atlantic Books |
The Wisdom of the Overself | UK English | Rider/Ebury |
The Wisdom of the Overself | USA English | Dutton & Weiser |
A Crise Espiritual do Homen | Portuguese | Editora Pensamento |
Ihmisen ikuinen kriisi | Finnish | Karisto Oy |
La Crisis Espiritual del Hombre | Spanish | Editorial Kier |
La Crise Spirituelle de l’Homme | French | Editions Victor Attinger |
Duchovni krize lidstva | Czech | Nakladatelstvi AURA PB |
Die Geistige Krise des Menschheit | German | Rasher (Swiss) |
De Spirituelle Crisis van de Mens | Dutch | Uitgeversbedrijf De Spieghel |
Vejen til Nyt Liv | Danish | Strubes Forlag |
The Spiritual Crisis of Man | USA English | Dutton & Weiser |
The Spiritual Crisis of Man | UK English | Rider/Ebury |
Essays on the Quest | USA English | Weiser |
Essays on the Quest | UK English | Rider/Ebury |
Eseje o Hledani | Czech | Nakladatelstvi AURA PB |
Ensaios sobre la Busqueda | Spanish | Editorial Kier |
Ajatuksia etsijan tielta | Finnish | Karisto Oy |
Karma: Kette von Ursache und Wirkung | German | Hermann Bauer Verlag |
Instructions for Spiritual Living | English | Inner Traditions International |
NOTEBOOKS-Perspectives 1 |
Ideias em Perspectiva | Portuguese | Editora Pensamento |
Perspectivas: Agendas de Paul Brunton | Spanish | Editorial Kier |
–title unknown | Hungarian | –publisher unknown |
Augenblicke der wahrheit einsichten und reflexionen eines wanderers auf dem weg nach innen | German | Otto Wilhelm Barth Verlag |
Perspective Partea 1&2 | Romanian | Editura MAR |
Perspektivy | Czech | Nakladatelstvi IRIS RR |
Perspectives | India/English | Motilal Banarsidass |
Perspecives | World English Rights | Larson USA |
NOTEBOOKS-The Quest 2 |
A Busca | Portuguese | Editora Pensamento |
La Busqueda | Spanish | Editorial Kier |
Der Weg liegt vor deinen Fussen | German | Otto Wilhelm Barth Verlag |
Cautarea | Romanian | Editura MAR |
Hledani | Czech | Nakladatelstvi IRIS RR |
The Quest | India/English | Motilal Banarsidass |
The Quest | World English Rights | Larson USA |
NOTEBOOKS-Practices Quest/Relax Retreat 3 |
Particas para a Busca Espiritual/Relax e Solitude | Portuguese | Editora Pensamento |
Cvicenti pro hledani/Relaxace a ustrani | Czech | Nakladatelstvi IRIS RR |
Practices for the Quest/Relax and Retreat | India/English | Motilal Banarsidass |
Practices for the Quest/Relax and Retreat | World English Rights | Larson USA |
NOTEBOOKS-Meditation 4.1 |
Meditace/Telo (one volume) | Czech | Nakladatelstvi IRIS RR |
Notizbucher: Meditation. Praktische Wege zum Uberselbst | German | Aquamarin Verlag |
Meditation | India/English | Motilal Banarsidass |
Meditation | World English Rights | Larson USA |
NOTEBOOKS-The Body 4.2 |
Meditace/Telo (one volume) | Czech | Nakladatelstvi IRIS RR |
The Body | India/English | Motilal Banarsidass |
The Body | World English Rights | Larson USA |
NOTEBOOKS-Emotions/Intellect 5 |
Emoce a etika/Intelekt | Czech | Nakladatelstvi IRIS RR |
Emotions and Ethics/The Intellect | India/English | Motilal Banarsidass |
Emotions and Ethics/The Intellect | World English Rights | Larson USA |
Ego/Od zrozeni ke znovuzrozeni | Czech | Nakladatelstvi IRIS RR |
Notizbucher: Das Ich und die Wiedergeburt | German | Aquamarin Verlag |
The Ego/From Birth to Rebirth | India/English | Motilal Banarsidass |
The Ego/From Birth to Rebirth | World English Rights | Larson USA |
NOTEBOOKS-Healing Self 7 |
Uzdravovani sama sebe/Negativa | Czech | Nakladatelstvi IRIS RR |
The Healing of the Self/The Negatives | India/English | Motilal Banarsidass |
The Healing of the Self/The Negatives | World English Rights | Larson USA |
NOTEBOOKS-Reflections on My Life 8 |
Uvahy o mem zivote a mych spisech | Czech | Nakladatelstvi IRIS RR |
Reflections on My Life and Writings | India/English | Motilal Banarsidass |
Reflections on My Life and Writings | World English Rights | Larson USA |
NOTEBOOKS-Human Experience 9 |
Lidska zkusenostUmeni v kulture | Czech | Nakladatelstvi IRIS RR |
Human Experience/The Arts in Culture | India/English | Motilal Banarsidass |
Human Experience/The Arts in Culture | World English Rights | Larson USA |
NOTEBOOKS-The Orient 10 |
The Orient | Czech | Nakladatelstvi IRIS RR |
The Orient | India/English | Motilal Banarsidass |
The Orient | World English Rights | Larson USA |
NOTEBOOKS-Sensitives 11 |
Senzitivove | Czech | Nakladatelstvi IRIS RR |
The Sensitives | India/English | Motilal Banarsidass |
The Sensitives | World English Rights | Larson USA |
NOTEBOOKS-Religious Urge 12 |
Vnitrni potreba nabozenstvi/Odevzdany zivot | Czech | Nakladatelstvi IRIS RR |
The Religious Urge/Reverential Life | India/English | Motilal Banarsidass |
The Religious Urge/Reverential Life | World English Rights | Larson USA |
NOTEBOOKS-Relativity 13 |
Relativita/Filozofie a Mysl | Czech | Nakladatelstvi IRIS RR |
Notizbucher: Das Selbst und der Weltgeist Pt.1&3 | German | Aquamarin Verlag |
Notizbucher: Philosophie als Einweihungsweg Pt.2 | German | Aquamarin Verlag |
Relativity/Philosophy/Mind | India/English | Motilal Banarsidass |
Relativity/Philosophy/Mind | World English Rights | Larson USA |
NOTEBOOKS-Inspiration Overself 14 |
Inspirace a Nadja | Czech | Nakladatelstvi IRIS RR |
Vom Ich zum Uberselbst | German | Aquamarin Verlag |
Inspiration and the Overself | India/English | Motilal Banarsidass |
Inspiration and the Overself | World English Rights | Larson USA |
NOTEBOOKS-Advanced Contem. 15 |
Pokrocila konteplace/Mir ve vas | Czech | Nakladatelstvi IRIS RR |
Advanced Contemplation/Peace within You | India/English | Motilal Banarsidass |
Advanced Contemplation/Peace within You | World English Rights | Larson USA |
NOTEBOOKS-Enlightened Mind 16 |
Osvicena Mysl/Bozska Mysl | Czech | Nakladatelstvi IRIS RR |
Das Selbst und die Unendlichkeit | German | Aquamarin Verlag |
Enlightened Mind/Divine Mind | India/English | Motilal Banarsidass |
Enlightened Mind/Divine Mind | World English Rights | Larson USA |
Meditatacoes Para Pessoas que Decidem | Portuguese | Editora Pensamento |
Mietiskelya henkiseen kasvuun | Finnish | Biokustannus Oy |
–title unknown | Hungarian | Szukits Kiado Publishers |
Sorumluluk Sahibi Insanlar Icin Oneriler | Turkish | Donosum Pub./Ege Meta Yayinlari |
Meditationer for battre ledarskap | Swedish | Larson Sweden |
Meditations for People in Charge | India/English | New Age Books |
Entscheiden aus der Stille | German | Hermann Bauer Verlag |
Meditatii pentru oameni cu raspundere | Romanian | Editura MAR |
Meditations for People in Charge | World English Rights | Larson USA |
Meditacoes Para Pessoas em Crise | Portuguese | Editora Pensamento |
–title unknown | Finnish | Karisto Oy |
Meditations pour les temps difficiles | French | Editions Dangles |
–title unknown | Hungarian | Szukits Kiado Publishers |
Meditationer I livskriser | Swedish | Larson Sweden |
Meditations for People in Crisis | India/English | New Age Books |
Overpeinzingen voor moeilijke momenten | Dutch | Uitgeverij Ankh-Hermes |
Meditatii pentru oameni in criza | Romanian | Editura MAR |
Gib jetzt nicht auf! | German | Verlag Hermann Bauer |
Meditations for People in Crisis | World English Rights | Larson USA |
WHAT IS KARMA? (1998) |
O Que E O Karma? | Portuguese | Editora Pensamento |
Wat is Karma? | Dutch | Uitgeverij Ankh-Hermes |
Meditaatio ja karma | Finnish | Karisto Oy |
–title unknown | Hebrew | Bk. Pub. Of Israel |
Ce este Karma? | Romanian | SC Ascendent |
Meditationer om karma | Swedish | Larson Sweden |
What is Karma? | India/English | New Age Books |
Shin no jiko sekinin to jiko jitsugen no oshie to shiteno shin karuma ron | Japanese | Kosmos Library LTD |
Karma—was es wirklich bedeutet | German | Verlag Hermann Bauer |
What is Karma? | World English Rights | Larson USA |
Que es el Karma? | Spanish | PBPF website edition |
Uber die Gnade: Liebe steht uber dem Gesetz | German | Aquamarin Verlag |
The Gift of Grace | World English Rights | Larson USA |
Title unknown | Polish | Fundacja Wandy Pratnickiej |
O Caminho Breve | Portuguese | Editora Ajna |
–title unknown | Polish | Wydawnictwo Centrum |
–title unknown | Italian | Group Macro Edizioni |
The Short Path to Enlightenment | World English Rights | Larson USA |
El Corto Camino Hacia La Iluminacion | Spanish | Editorial Almuzara |
Utforsk sjelen: fra intuisjon til et inspirett liv |
Norwegian | Emilia Press |
Att finna sjalen | Swedish | Larson Sweden |
A Relizacao da Alma | Portuguese | Irdin Editora |
Realizing Soul | World English Rights | Larson USA |
-title unknown | Spanish | Larson (Sweden) |
-title unknown | Polish | Fundacja Wandy Pratnickiej |
Os Vislumbres & A Graca Divina | Portuguese | Irdin Editora |
A Cura/O Desapego | Portuguese | Irdin Editora |
Duce a Umeni | Czech | Santal |

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© 2024 Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation.