The Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation has created a YouTube channel that features teachings from Brunton’s books and material from the extensive Archives of Paul Brunton.
Videos from the Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation
A Search In Secret India
Three part series
Quest Series 4
Paul Brunton Explains the World’s Perennial Wisdom
- What I Mean by Philosophy
- Defining Philosophy as a Way of Spiritual Realization
- Living as Overself: The True Philosophers
- Introduction to Paul Brunton’s Metaphysics
- Metaphysical Enquiry as a Spiritual Practice
- Mentalism: Key to the Spiritual World
- Mentalism: Mind—not Matter—Is Real
- Mind Alone Is
- World-Mind
- In God’s Image: The Overself
- The Birth of the Universe
- The Evolution of Consciousness: The Grand Purpose of Life
The Paul Brunton Official Channel
The Paul Brunton Official is a tri-lingual YouTube channel in Portuguese, Spanish, and English that features many videos about the life and teachings of PB.
It was initiated by Micha-El (Alan) & Gran (Beatriz) Berkowitz to especially serve the growing interest in South America for the philosophy of Paul Brunton. Micha-El is a former chairman of the Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation.
Visit the Paul Brunton Official Channel

4936 NYS Route 414
Burdett, New York 14818
© 2024 Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation.