Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation homepage > Notebooks of Paul Brunton
Humanity is discovering that it cannot solve its old problems in the old way--the logical thing to do is to try a new way. In an age of materialistic intellect and materialistic religion such as ours, that new way must consist of turning towards a spiritualized intellect and a spiritualized religion. The first step for the intellect to take is humility; the first step for the religious feeling to take is obedience. The intellect must sink down in the self-abasement of constant prayer to the Higher Power; the religious feeling must obey sincerely and honestly the admonitions given it by the great prophets. The intellect must no longer go on deceiving itself and the religious feeling must no longer go on deceiving God.
-- Notebooks Category 7: The Intellect > Chapter 1 : The Place of Intellect > # 95