Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation homepage > Notebooks of Paul Brunton

I have an Emersonian love of spiritual freedom and intellectual independence, a Krishnamurtian urge to keep away from all restrictive, limiting, and narrowing groups, organizations, and institutions. I have seen so many lost to the cause of Truth by such constrictions of the mind and heart, so much of its good undone by this harm, that I shrink from the idea of becoming tagged as some one man's disciple or as a member of some ashram, society, or church. If this man has found the Right, why not let his natural expression of it--whether in writing, art, or life--be enough? Why create a myth around him, to befog others and falsify the goal? Why not let well alone?

-- Notebooks Category 1: Overview of the Quest > Chapter 3 : Independent Path > # 168