Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation homepage > Notebooks of Paul Brunton

There are periods in an aspirant's life when he is called to the discipline of utter chastity--and such a period may last for years or a lifetime, depending on each individual's particular circumstance. But until the call comes, preceding periods need not be so tightly disciplined. In short, his life will follow a rhythm of cycles. There are some who are called by their nature to an entire lifetime of utter chastity. It is easy and natural and right for them to be monks. But they are few. The others will do better to enter the marriage relation and are so formed by nature to need it. Both groups should avoid the fanaticism which wrongly insists on demanding that all others conform to their particular type. But this said, the ultimate ideal must still be left in view. It is always advisable in this Quest to discipline sex passions so as to become eventually independent of them. At a certain stage, complete chastity has to be observed and firmly established. Until then, anything he can do to make his emotional nature as pure as his strength will allow helps in every way. He should let all his longing and desires gradually converge on this single longing and desire for union with the Overself. He can utilize odd moments for kindling and rekindling this one yearning. The stronger it becomes, the greater will be the descent of Grace at the initiation periods.

-- Notebooks Category 5: The Body > Chapter 7 : Sex > # 184