Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation homepage > Notebooks of Paul Brunton

If the seed is expended then nerve energy is lost, the mind is debilitated and its power of upward contemplative flight reduced. But this does not necessarily lead to the consequence of a prohibition against marriage or to a refusal of its consummation. It leads to a discipline of marriage and to a change in its consummation. If philosophy rejects the ascetic view in this matter, it also rejects the common view and the common practice. More cannot be written in public print but let it suffice that both the finest relationship between the sexes and the highest purity in sexual ethics are attained only among the philosophical adepts. Theirs is not only a moral achievement but a magical one. The retention of semen is a practice in such circles as also in Indian yoga and Chinese Taoism.

-- Notebooks Category 5: The Body > Chapter 7 : Sex > # 93