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You have the good fortune or misfortune to be attractive to men and so long as you remain unmarried you may expect that they will importune you. It is of course a matter for you to decide how you are to react in every case; but whether it is necessary to yield in order to get on in practical life, I would reply that many women do yield and do get on in consequence but it is not necessarily the only way to get on. It is the easier but a slippery and dangerous path and I would certainly advise you to try the harder way even though you may not get on so well in consequence. Every rose on the easier path has a thorn concealed beneath it. It is not that sex in itself is a sin, for at a certain evolutionary level it is a natural function, but that self-respect demands it should be an expression of something finer than mere barter. It is more satisfactory in the end to establish yourself materially through determination and courage than to yield to temptation. Another point is that promiscuous sex not infrequently leads to disagreeable entanglements of karma which have to be disentangled at the price of suffering. That is one of the several reasons why marriage has been laid down as the normal path for humanity.

-- Notebooks Category 5: The Body > Chapter 7 : Sex > # 51