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The positive dynamic effects of deep breathing are well known. This is because with the indrawing breath, the deep inhalation, the mind is set positively and affirmatively; it is then taking advantage of the natural fact that the person's life-force is being drawn upon. If, however, we consider what happens when breath is exhaled, we see the process is reversed. During the interval between the exhalation and the next inhalation it is the universal life-force which then flows into the man because he is then passive, whereas when inhaling he was active. Now this universal life-force, when it expresses itself in man, acts as a link with the universal spirit and demands physical existence. In other words, when the breath is let out and briefly held before it is indrawn again, there is a bridge to the higher consciousness of man. The bridge is there, but he must take advantage of it and usually he does not. If, during those few moments of pause, he turned his mind into meditation upon his true being, he would find it easier then than at other times; or if he did the same thing after having had an unexpected glimpse, he could retain the uplift of the glimpse for a longer period.

-- Notebooks Category 5: The Body > Chapter 6 : Breathing Exercises > # 1