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Marie Corelli wrote in the Preface to her novel The Life Everlasting: "The Fountain of Youth and the Elixir of Life were dreams of the ancient mystics but they are not dreams today. To the soul that has found them, they are divine realities. If Man were to learn that he can prolong his life on this earth in youth and health for an indefinite period in which days and years are not counted, he could pass from one joy to another." Yet the author of these lines, and of similar passages in the same book, died at a normal age, despite her bold assertions of a secret knowledge and an exceptional power possessed by her and her teachers. And so died other claimants as honourable and respected as Miss Corelli was, such as Sri Aurobindo and many a Tantrik guru in India and Tibet, as well as dishonourable ones. Nobody has historically succeeded in robbing Nature of her power to inflict death. But there is another aspect of this topic which throws some light on it.

-- Notebooks Category 5: The Body > Chapter 2 : The Body > # 85