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Select any phrase, sentence, or even single word which makes most appeal to you and pertains to the goal, ideal, or quality you wish to develop. It may be taken from a book (if inspired) or you may construct it yourself. Examples are: I am infinite peace: harmony-harmony-harmony. This Spiritual "Declaration" is to be repeated as often during the entire day as you remember to do so--silently and mentally when out or with others, whispered to yourself when alone and in your own room. This means that there may be dozens of repetitions in one day. It is particularly to be practised when any provocation or temptation arises. After the first few weeks the habit should become automatic, when you may try to make it a silent one at all times.

You may, if you prefer, use as the theme for concentration the name of your Spiritual Leader: "Jesus-Jesus-Jesus," for example. This exercise must be done very slowly, the phrase must be long drawn out, and, in the early stages, the meaning pondered on.

-- Notebooks Category 4: Elementary Meditation > Chapter 6 : Mantrams, Affirmations > # 138