Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation homepage > Notebooks of Paul Brunton
Practising mantram consists of repeating a selected word over and over, soaking oneself in it. There are three stages: (a) chanting the word out loud; (b) whispering it; (c) repeating it mentally. Then, when repetition ceases, all thoughts cease. Through this constant concentration, the mantram becomes a backdrop to one's daily life. Just as one can hum a tune while attending to other affairs, so the mantram becomes an ever present accompaniment. When one turns full attention onto it and concentrates fully upon it and then stops--all thoughts stop. This is the purpose of the mantram. This result may take weeks or months.
-- Notebooks Category 4: Elementary Meditation > Chapter 6 : Mantrams, Affirmations > # 5
-- Perspectives > Chapter 4: Elementary Meditation > # 71