Where trouble develops as the result of having made some contact with the psychic plane instead of the spiritual, he should take the following course of action without delay: (a) Stop all meditation, breathing, and gazing exercises, until quite cured. After the expiration of this period, he should judge carefully whether or not to resume meditation practice and then only provided further that he feel an inner call to do so. He should conscientiously follow the instructions given on prayer and purification of character. (b) Until the trouble disappears, try to sleep at night with the light on, dim enough however so as not to disturb sleep. It will probably be necessary to wear a mask as eye-shade over the eyes to keep out the light. (c) Endeavour to purify character as much as possible. Especially keep vigilant control over thoughts and feelings, trying to cleanse them and be careful what is allowed to enter your mind. (d) Kneel in prayer at least twice daily, asking for God's help and Grace in this endeavour, confessing weakness and helplessness.
-- Notebooks Category 4: Elementary Meditation > Chapter 1 : Preparatory > # 482