Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation homepage > Notebooks of Paul Brunton

Possible experiences during meditation: (1) drowsy; (2) a feeling of frustration causes abandonment of session; (3) feel presence of a higher power; (4) finished with a sense of ease and lightness; (5) deeper meaning of certain past experiences become clearer; (6) a dynamic energy was felt in spine; (7) feeling benevolent to all; (8) mixed thoughts kept on distracting attention; (9) varied mental pictures of events, persons, or scenes--mostly past--floated through and vanished; (10) sounds from outside bothered and distracted; (11) ended happy in heart and positive in attitude; (12) no special result but generally relaxed; (13) for periods of about a half-minute or so each he gets into complete mental quiet, unbroken by outer sounds even if they were there or by the procession of thoughts; (14) a feeling of failure or anxiety; (15) a sense of general welfare; (16) an arousal of hope and cheerfulness concerning the future; (17) a wish to be helpful to others; (18) general contentment; (19) harmony with Nature.

-- Notebooks Category 4: Elementary Meditation > Chapter 1 : Preparatory > # 414