Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation homepage > Notebooks of Paul Brunton

The law of compensation is everywhere operative. If the disciple smirks complacently about his residence in a holy retreat or his connection with a holy master, the danger is that he may fall into the delusion of rapid progress where in fact there is none. For in the emotional stimulation provided by such retreat or such master, he may naturally feel that he is now at levels of character, spirituality, and even consciousness which are far superior to those he formerly possessed. And in a sense there is some truth in his feeling. What he overlooks, however, is that the stimulation will one day be withdrawn (it is not necessary to go into the how or why of this here), that his condition is only a temporary one, and that he is really like a man basking in warm sunshine who imagines that the warmth and light are radiating from himself instead of from an outside source.

-- Notebooks Category 3: Relax and Retreat > Chapter 4 : Retreat Centres > # 168