Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation homepage > Notebooks of Paul Brunton

Modern civilization renders it harder and harder to find a quiet locale in any city. And, now, the invasion of countryside regions is bringing about the same condition there. The noise-lovers are well-served: the silence-seekers are ignored. Whoever wants contact with inner stillness must be either a millionaire, who can surround himself with plenty of space, or a monk, who can hide himself in a monastery. Is there no solution to this problem for the non-millionaire and non-monk? I know of none that is complete; but a partial one is offered by the Retreat-Plan. If this is to be independent, involved in no creed, cult, dogma, or organization, even this would need financial support for its creation, but could keep itself thereafter by charges to those who use it.

-- Notebooks Category 3: Relax and Retreat > Chapter 4 : Retreat Centres > # 46