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The modern age has less use for the institution of monasticism than the medieval age, and in this matter the modern age is right. Let it not be led astray by those who have committed themselves to an ancient tradition merely because it is ancient. Let them set up the monk as the perfect type if they wish. Let them adopt the holier-than-thou attitude. But the generality of modern men should not imitate them. Who administered and carried out the work of the Inquisition? It was a monastic order, the Dominicans. They practised ferocity and denied charity, all in the name of God. And they did it with a terrible earnestness. Mercy was unknown to their shrivelled hearts. Today's need is not a narrow-minded and unfeeling monasticism, but a broad-headed and large-hearted practical spirituality.

-- Notebooks Category 3: Relax and Retreat > Chapter 4 : Retreat Centres > # 30