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Recuperative meditation: (a) Sit in the position used in the Seated Relaxation Exercise.

(b) Picture and feel the living, white Light flowing, like the blood, all through your body and into your fingertips. Think of It as the vital essence of blood and nerve-cell alike. Distribute its energy to every part of the body. Next give each individual organ a rejuvenating treatment by bathing it in the white Light; begin at the bottom of the trunk with the lowest organ and proceed upwards to the head.

(c) Visualize and experience the radiance of this Light as enveloping you and drawing you into It. Offer yourself willingly to Its Perfection and Protection. Since Light is the closest we can come to actually seeing the Absolute, think of It, here, as the One Infinite Life-Power.

-- Notebooks Category 3: Relax and Retreat > Chapter 3 : Relax Body, Breath, Mind > # 16