Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation homepage > Notebooks of Paul Brunton

The opposition to deeper spiritual aspiration and to wiser everyday living habits has grown stronger with each decade. The evils and difficulties are too formidable, too plentiful, too overwhelming to be overcome successfully. The battle against them can have no other ending than failure. The helpless individual who can do nothing for the salvation of humanity under these circumstances can at least look to his own salvation and make some headway in achieving it. This involves retreat, withdrawal, and perhaps even flight. But it is better than abject surrender to an environment which renders the practice of spiritual exercises a matter of formidable difficulty and in most cases almost impossible. It is better than wasting time and life in futile struggles and foredoomed endeavours.

-- Notebooks Category 3: Relax and Retreat > Chapter 2 : Withdraw from Tension and Pressure > # 32