Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation homepage > Notebooks of Paul Brunton

That mysticism has its dangers is frankly admitted; and certain individuals should be warned of the seriousness of these dangers, otherwise they may later suffer mental disorders. First, at a certain stage, meditation can be overdone. When this has happened, it is advisable for the individual to withdraw from the practice altogether for several weeks at least, and devote his attention to practical, day-to-day activities in order to acquire better balance. Second, fasting at a particular stage of his development should be avoided, since it can open the way to a mediumistic condition and to the possible influence of mischievous entities. Any person thus affected by fasting definitely should not attempt it until such time as he has met with one much further along the Path than he is.

-- Notebooks Category 2: Overview of Practices Involved > Chapter 9 : Conclusion > # 36