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Each personal existence has its place to fill here in life and its development to undergo, but it is given a higher meaning than the animal's only as it is sought and found. Neither psychology nor physiology, neither metaphysics, religion, nor mysticism can each by itself sufficiently explain the human being. If, however, they work together in harmony they come much nearer to this goal; but their totality is still incomplete. The last turn of the key is philosophy. Thereafter the final revelation must come by itself, by grace, for man has then removed the obstruction, the tyranny of his own little self. If the ego remains to live and act in the world, whether busy in doing or lost in meditation, it is a purified, a surrendered being. But it has not surrendered to other egos. Even the gurus, however reputed and respected, can teach and lead others only by the path along which they themselves came. Their work can be helpful, valuable, encouraging; but at a certain point, when apprenticeship must give way to proficiency, it can become repetitive and restrictive. After that, the courage and strength to obey the Voice of the Silence, sought and given by the Silence itself, must alone lead him.

-- Notebooks Category 24: The Peace within You > Chapter 4 : Seek the Deeper Stillness > # 65