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In that once locked-up land of Tibet there dwelt a spiritual teacher named Marpa. He wrote a text for his disciples. Therein is the piece "Be Content":

"My son, as a monastery be content with the body, for the bodily substance is the palace of divinity. As a teacher, be content with the mind, for knowledge of the Truth is the beginning of holiness. As a book be content without things, for their number is a symbol of the way of deliverance. As food be content to feed on ecstasy, for stillness is the perfect likeness of divinity. Companions, be content to forsake, for solitude is president of the divine assembly. Raging enemies be content to shun for enmity is a traveller upon the wrong path. With demons be content to meditate upon the void, for magic apparitions are creations of the mind."

-- Notebooks Category 24: The Peace within You > Chapter 3 : Practise Detachment > # 4