Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation homepage > Notebooks of Paul Brunton

The test must be whether he can withdraw at will from his external activities, and especially from those to which he is most attached, or those which yield him the most pleasure or the most success. It is for him to decide how much that he is in the habit of doing every day should really be allowed to take up time that could be given to higher things. He should pick a time of the day when he can go into retreat, putting aside all earthly interests, no matter how busy, how filled, the remainder of that day is. If he fails to devote to meditation the time allotted to it, only because he submits to the pressure and haste which tend to kill finer qualities in modern life, he fails, to that extent, in his quest.

-- Notebooks Category 2: Overview of Practices Involved > Chapter 3 : Uncertainties of Progress > # 123