When the student on this path assumes failure will be the only outcome of his efforts to progress spiritually, this pessimistic attitude overlooks the fact of grace. Admittedly the actuality of forgiveness for past errors does depend on sincere, humble repentance in prayer and to a certain extent on self-denying amendment and self-disciplining reform. If this is done, a basis for hope does exist and can be sought.
Even if for any reason immediate achievements are not possible, there yet exist other motives for striving to do what he can in self-improvement. By that, the remaining years of his lifetime would be assisted and protected in different ways and, at the last, the next reincarnation would be made so much better and probably easier. If he really accepts the principle of rebirth, then both the long view and the immediate possibility counsel a continuance of aspiration and endeavour. Hope is dead only when faith is dead.
-- Notebooks Category 2: Overview of Practices Involved > Chapter 2 : The Measure of Progress > # 73