Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation homepage > Notebooks of Paul Brunton

The hidden teaching can no longer afford to be deprecated by religionists and despised by rationalists. It can no longer be confined to a few intelligentsia but must be brought to them, even if it be necessary to placate popular opinion by over-emphasizing personal benefits and to make concessions to contemporary knowledge by over-emphasizing the scientific standpoint. For more people are ready to discard antiquated doctrines than would seem likely. And the dangers which formerly attended the promiscuous disclosure of such information have largely vanished. The days when Krishna could speak of having taught this wisdom, which goes beyond ordinary knowledge, as a secret to kings only, or when the high priests of Egypt could initiate Pharaohs and nobles alone, have gone, not to be recalled.

-- Notebooks Category 20: What Is Philosophy? > Chapter 2 : Its Contemporary Influence > # 36