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The inborn potential of fitness for this knowledge may be larger than appears on the surface, where family, surroundings, circumstances, and false religion may prevent its liberation and development. The concept of reincarnation explains why this is possible, but it also explains why all reserves and potentials are not equal, nor equally liberated, and therefore why some discrimination must be practised. But this should be tentative, not final--flexible, not rigid. For it is not so easy as most believe to predict the course of future inner growth for a person. If he is unable or unwilling to absorb this knowledge now, he might be able to do so in ten years' time. The essential thing is to shut no one out from its offering, not to hide its very existence from people, as certain religious circles have done in the past.

-- Notebooks Category 20: What Is Philosophy? > Chapter 2 : Its Contemporary Influence > # 13