Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation homepage > Notebooks of Paul Brunton

There is a difference of opinion about the alleged inaccessibility of the Overself. Among those who call themselves mystics in the West and yogis in the East, some claim that every man may justifiably hold the hope of penetrating to the transcendental realm of Overself, provided he will give the necessary time and effort. But others claim that the certainty which attends scientific processes is not found here, that a man may spend a lifetime in searching after God and fail in the end. This uncertainty of result is absent from standardized laboratory processes and present only in experimental ones. There is a mystery here, both in the object and the operation of the search. It cannot be solved by the intellect, for it is the mystery of Grace.

-- Notebooks Category 18: The Reverential Life > Chapter 5 : Grace > # 237