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In that wonderful state the feeling of tension, the troubling by fear, and the suffering from insecurity vanish away. Why? Because the particular problems involved have been taken over by the Overself. Also, because no negative thinking is possible in that peaceful atmosphere. From this we may deduce an excellent practical rule for daily living: surrender all problems to the Overself by turning them out of your mind and handing them over (but not in the wrong way by refusing to face them. The Secret Path and The Quest of the Overself show the right way). Jesus taught the same method in simpler language: Psalm 55 holds out the promise "Cast thy burden upon the Deity, and he shall sustain thee." And in the Bhagavad Gita, among the final words addressed to the troubled Prince Arjuna, there is almost identical counsel.

-- Notebooks Category 18: The Reverential Life > Chapter 4 : Surrender > # 195