Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation homepage > Notebooks of Paul Brunton
He should not fall into the error of believing that the transition to philosophical study has exempted him from the duty of mystical practice or that the transition to the latter has exempted him from the need of religious devotion. We do not drop what belongs to a lower stage but keep and preserve it in the higher one. Aspiration is a vital need. He should become as a child at the feet of his divine Soul, humbly begging for its grace, guidance, and enlightenment. If his ego is strong, prayer will weaken it. Let him do this every day, not mechanically but sincerely and feelingly until the tears come to his eyes. The quest is an integral one and includes prayer alongside of all the other elements.
-- Notebooks Category 18: The Reverential Life > Chapter 2 : Prayer > # 11
-- Perspectives > Chapter 18: The Reverential Life > # 23