When this devotional path is overstressed and not balanced with any counterpoise, when the guru is made into the object of a hysterical love-game, then the imagination leads the mind into pseudo-illuminations that are worthless for Truth. The guru himself is involuntarily made into an accommodating substitute for the friendship or love, the companionship or drama or motherhood, which the world failed to offer. The august relationship of disciple and Master is turned into a love affair, with all the egoistic accompaniments of jealousy, intrigue, exaltation, or depression that go with one. Is it not understandable why atheistic sceptics sneered at the mystical raptures of cloistered nuns who saw erotic images in their visions of embracing the Lord? Admittedly the mystical eroticism of medieval nunneries may be explained, either in part or in particular cases, by this repression of sex. But it fails to explain the other part and the other cases.
-- Notebooks Category 18: The Reverential Life > Chapter 1 : Devotion > # 124