Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation homepage > Notebooks of Paul Brunton

The notion that some sect, some people, or some race has been chosen to fulfil a special mission upon earth is a notion which is to be found in every nation that a philosopher can visit and in every epoch of history that he can study. It is a foolish notion and a recurring fallacy. It is such teaching which has kept false ideas and foolish emotions stubbornly alive. But it will persist and go on persisting because it appeals to peoples' vanity, not because it is based on any facts. Josephus lengthily argued that Plato derived his wisdom from Hebrew lore. Nowadays the Hindu Swamis tell us that Plato borrowed it from Indian lore. 'Tis all opinion, mere opinion--the truth is that the light of wisdom can shine everywhere, on any race and at any time. No single nation or land possesses primal inspiration.

-- Notebooks Category 17: The Religious Urge > Chapter 4 : Problems of Organized Religion > # 103