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It is not right for the would-be disciple to take the new relationship as an excuse for releasing himself from all personal responsibilities, all personal decisions. He should not expect the teacher to take entire charge of his entire life for him. Nor is it right for a teacher to accept such a position, to play a role consisting of father and mother and God combined into a single person toward an individual who has reached adult life. It will not help a disciple to let him evade his responsibilities and shirk his decisions. If the atmosphere between them is surcharged with emotion alone without the restraining balances of reason and common sense, this is the kind of situation which is likely to be brought about. A wise teacher will try to meet disciples upon the proper ground between accepting such helpless dependence and rebuffing it brusquely altogether. Any other meeting would be unhealthy emotionally and unsound intellectually.

-- Notebooks Category 1: Overview of the Quest > Chapter 6 : Student-Teacher > # 563