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It is highly significant that nowhere in the history of the Eastern Orthodox Church has any saint appeared bearing the blood-flowing marks of the stigmata. It may well be asked why this should be so when the Western or Latin Church has produced a number of saints whose lives were notable for this phenomenon. The only answer that a scientific but spiritually sympathetic psychology could accept is that the Greek mystics were not attracted towards the figure of the suffering Christ and therefore did not meditate upon it, whereas the Latin mystics, like Padre Pio, for instance, have always been attracted to this figure and given themselves up to frequent meditation upon it. A further point worth noting is that few Hindu mystics have had any vision of Jesus--Ramakrishna, Sunda Singh, and a couple of obscure holy men are the only ones I have ever heard of in this connection. All this points to the tremendous power of suggestion.

-- Notebooks Category 16: The Sensitives > Chapter 15 : Illuminations > # 115