The initial impetus and dynamic force of all these mystical phenomena come from the Overself, whereas the forms taken in consciousness by them are the ego's own manufacture. When the ego receives the impact from the Overself, it visualizes a face or figure, an event or scene, according to its habitual trend of thinking and experiential familiarity. In this natural but limited way it gives expression to the Formless in the world of forms. The wisdom of this process is that the ego naturally supplies a form with which it is familiar and, therefore, which is comprehensible to it. This explains why, for example, a mystical message is always couched in the same language as that spoken by its recipient. But it also explains why the very intellectual and experiential limitations of the ego are so often and so unfortunately mistaken for divine revelations!
-- Notebooks Category 16: The Sensitives > Chapter 15 : Illuminations > # 99