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What is spiritualistic mediumship? The answer may be found by relating it with hypnotic mediumship. The principle at work in both cases is identical. Give a hypnotic medium in trance or semi-trance a suitable suggestion and it will be taken up and fully obeyed. If you tell him he is Napoleon he will believe, act, and speak as though he were. Tell a spiritualistic medium that you wish to communicate with the spirits of the departed and you have already given her a suggestion which she will take up and obey. She will provide all kinds of details about the spirit she supposes she evokes, details which are worked out either consciously or unconsciously by her imagination. We must remember that the residue of accurate facts which such mediums communicate may arise from the fact that reverie or full trance are states of mental concentration and, as such, telepathy may come into play and the sitter's mind be tapped.

-- Notebooks Category 16: The Sensitives > Chapter 13 : The Occult > # 106