Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation homepage > Notebooks of Paul Brunton

If anyone comes to this Quest in order to obtain more power for his ego, even if it be occult, magical, or psychical power, he is wasting his time and had better leave it alone. There are ways to such powers but they lead off from the Quest, not to it. For they may all-too-easily, as observation often shows, inflate a man's vanity and increase his desires, thus thickening the illusions which befog him. Moreover, some of them expose him to grave perils: he may end by becoming possessed or going mad, by falling into the quagmires of necromancy, sorcery, or black magic. Seeking to glorify his own ego or to bend others to his will, he will be cast ingloriously to the ground and crushed by the very forces he has evoked.

-- Notebooks Category 16: The Sensitives > Chapter 13 : The Occult > # 3