Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation homepage > Notebooks of Paul Brunton

If he is a genuine see-er and know-er, and something in me or in him testifies to the fact, some inner voice or supernatural faculty, then I gladly welcome and acknowledge his superior status. But here is where the inexperienced or naïve, the fanatic or youthful follower, joiner, or partisan mixes his planes of reference and gets sidetracked. He forgets that the Great Soul is encased in a human mind and an animal body, that the way he lives, speaks, eats, dresses, and conducts himself belongs to this persona he has inherited or formed or received from outside, from others, from family and society, from the geographical, historical, and genetic circumstances of his birth.

-- Notebooks Category 16: The Sensitives > Chapter 9 : Inspiration and Confusion > # 14