Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation homepage > Notebooks of Paul Brunton

"Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven and all these things shall be added unto you," was the uncompromising injunction of Christ. Whoever has the courage to test the soundness of this counsel will discover its truth. But many people, like the Christian Scientists, make the mistake of trying to exploit the Kingdom for the sole purpose of financial rewards and physical health. In other words, they do not seek first things first, and therefore do not attain them. They may reach an intellectual understanding of spiritual purpose, but this is in no way the same as living realization. Yet, this said, it is good to remember also that the distortions and perversions and confusions which have accreted around this great teaching cannot engulf its pristine spiritual greatness.

-- Notebooks Category 16: The Sensitives > Chapter 8 : Christian Science, Other Spiritual Movements > # 85