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The truth in these New Thought and Christian Science doctrines can be known only by clipping and correcting the extravagances from which they suffer. The largest one is the belief the the body's health and the bank's balance must always and necessarily increase and improve to the extent that one's spirituality increases and improves. What really happens is that one is brought into increased and improved awareness of the higher self's leading, love, and protective care. It leads one toward those acts and decisions or into those situations and events which best promote the purpose of one's existence. It exists for the ordinary unenlightened man too and would do the same to him, but, not being on the Quest, he unwittingly frustrates its guidance and thwarts its moves. As for the material help it gives the Quester, this is a fact, for, as Jesus mentioned, "The Father knoweth that you have need of these things." But what the Father understands as one's need is viewed in the light of life's true purpose, whereas what the unenlightened man understands is dictated by the ego's desires. The New Thought teachings fail to make this distinction.

-- Notebooks Category 16: The Sensitives > Chapter 8 : Christian Science, Other Spiritual Movements > # 77