The differences in character and tendencies and values among people make for natural class divisions. No amount of Vedantic tall talk will produce a real equality among people, nor even a fundamental sameness. Each class, each of Nature's groupings and gradings has its limitations. They do not vanish merely by asserting inner oneness. How can we love our neighbour when he differs from us in so many ways? Vedanta would be closer to fact if it shifted the emphasis to unity with our higher being rather than with our neighbour. It fosters illusions about a non-existent brotherhood of man. Its disciples swim in vague idealistic abstractions which they are forced to betray in actual living. If "babble" Vedanta shows itself in the end as impracticable, this is only because it applies itself in the wrong direction. That end is theory and words.
-- Notebooks Category 16: The Sensitives > Chapter 8 : Christian Science, Other Spiritual Movements > # 74