Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation homepage > Notebooks of Paul Brunton
Quacks and charlatans prey on uncritical questing. This warning is no theoretical one; it is based on the knowledge of many cases which have been observed during travels in Asia, Europe, and America. Many a good-living, kindly, sincere, if simple, church-goer and temple-worshipper is in safer hands and more spiritually advanced than the pseudo-mystics and so-called occultists who are being wrecked on the tragic shores of semi-insanity and worldly ruin, their egoism exaggerated, their ethics jumbled, their minds muddled or drugged by extravagances, their emotions neurotically confused, and their finances reduced.
-- Notebooks Category 16: The Sensitives > Chapter 5 : Pseudo and Imperfect Teachers > # 2