Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation homepage > Notebooks of Paul Brunton

The quietistic condition got by ordinary yoga is got by withdrawing from the five senses. But the hidden prenatal thought tendencies which are the secret origin of these senses still remain, and the yogi has not withdrawn from them because his attention has been directed to vacating the body. Thus the trance-condition he attains is only a temporary, external inactivity of the senses. Their internal roots still abide within him as mental energies which have evolved since time immemorial. Without adequate insight into the true nature of sense operations, which are fundamentally exteriorizations of interior mental ones, the yogi has only deceived himself when he thinks he has conquered them.

-- Notebooks Category 16: The Sensitives > Chapter 2 : Phases of Mystical Development > # 256

-- Perspectives > Chapter 16: The Sensitives > # 38