Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation homepage > Notebooks of Paul Brunton

The creative artist is taken out of himself for a time and is serenely elevated, just as the meditative mystic is. But the two states, although psychologically similar, are not spiritually similar. For the mystic enters his elevated state consciously and deliberately goes in quest of his inner being or soul. He uses it as a springboard to escape from the world of space time and change. The artist, however, uses it as a means of creating something in the world of space time and change. Hence although art approaches quite close to mysticism, it has not the same divine possibilities, for it lacks the higher values, the moral disciplines, and the supersensuous aims of mysticism.

-- Notebooks Category 14: The Arts in Culture > Chapter 3 : Art Experience and Mysticism > # 20

-- Perspectives > Chapter 14: The Arts in Culture > # 44