Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation homepage > Notebooks of Paul Brunton
To call such ridiculous productions art is to misuse language and misguide the young. They are more properly called non-art, even anti-art. They display a complete failure to understand the purpose of art. It would be a waste of time to comment further upon them were it not for the unbelievable number of spiritually minded persons who have been falsely led to regard them as manifestations of the spiritual intuition! They are as miserably negative as a true art is firmly positive. A single painting of a countryside scene by Constable, derided as being "representational" by talentless pseudo-artists, will be esteemed and honoured long after their worthless productions are thrown away into the rubbish-can where they belong.
-- Notebooks Category 14: The Arts in Culture > Chapter 1 : Appreciation > # 213