Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation homepage > Notebooks of Paul Brunton

When we consider such a situation and ways to remedy it, it is noticeable that people who are limited by merely intellectual views are impatient and want to get quick results. They offer methods which will supposedly bring them quick results. But the fact is, all they can get are either imperfect or even bad results. The other way, the philosophic way, works in a deeper realm, sees quite clearly more of the basic factors, the real character, and is consequently more patient. It penetrates directly through the formal appearances of the situation to its fundamental realities. Therefore it can render better service to humanity by pointing out these realities than the most well-meaning statesmen who blindly grope their way round and round can render. Its counsel hacks at the single roots of all our troubles instead of hacking at a thousand branches.

-- Notebooks Category 13: Human Experience > Chapter 4 : World Crisis > # 293