Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation homepage > Notebooks of Paul Brunton

Our generation has seen many women and young men come nearer their own. It was right and reasonable that masculine tyranny should go and that senile governance should be overthrown. This long overdue and much welcome advance is admirable, but it does not justify going to the farther extreme of romantic idealization of anyone and everyone merely because he is young and she is a woman. The danger of this species of thinking and this course of action, which have always led in the end to disaster, is that they still infatuate young, shallow minds. From the silly notion that the old would make no mistakes, we are in danger of swinging pendulum-like to the equally silly notion that the young can make no mistakes. Nearly all the leaders of Nazi Germany were young men. Yet the mess into which they got their own country and indeed all Europe was unparalleled in history.

-- Notebooks Category 13: Human Experience > Chapter 3 : Youth and Age > # 104