Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation homepage > Notebooks of Paul Brunton

If a man is single or a widower, it is understandable that feelings of loneliness will often enter into his consciousness. But the aspirant must remember that it would be unfair both to a prospective partner and to himself to enter into an unsuitable marriage. It would only hurt him and bring unhappiness to his partner. His emotion needs to be disciplined, and he must wait for a partner suitable to his development and aspiration. If he has already had the marriage experience, he should consider seriously whether he really needs to remarry at all. He should weigh in the balance, from the standpoint of his own personal character and circumstances, whether its advantages and limitations outweigh the advantages and limitations of devoting the remainder of his life entirely to the quest of truth. The married life is compatible with these spiritual objects but not easily so.

-- Notebooks Category 13: Human Experience > Chapter 2 : Living in The World > # 468