Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation homepage > Notebooks of Paul Brunton
I intend not only to leave marks on paper, but also on the foe of materialism. I hope to throw several stupidities prone on the platform of literary debate. I want to wield the two-edged sword of truth, whose razor-edged and lancet-pointed thrusts may serve to do for the cause of mysticism what several think but few say. I do not doubt but that I shall carry off not a few carcasses of priestly rancour and pleasure-soaked fatuities to the crematorium. But in donning the casque and visor and hacking for the benefit of public enemies, I shall not forget to keep the kindly smile and brotherly clasp for the benefit of private friends, the followers of inward light, and for all men of goodwill.
-- Notebooks Category 12: Reflections > Chapter 2 : Philosophy and Contemporary Culture > # 100