"My Initiations": (a) There is the additional reason of leaving a testimony since I am nearing the period when age and death are often friends. There are others, either in this generation or in posterity, who will find themselves searching as I once searched, and to whom a clue, a map, a confirmation of the treasure's real existence may mean much.
(b) The time I spent analysing the delicate processes of meditation for the benefit of those who have yet to master its art, as well as the lengthy research and study made for the sake of developing theory and increasing knowledge, turned out later to be well spent, for the descriptions I was later able to give in published writings proved helpful to many who read them. And I see also that to record spiritual experiences and the steps leading to them with some of the detailed precision of a laboratory report may serve a useful purpose. It may guide those who are studying it as a new subject and encourage the seekers of a younger generation who are now pressing behind me.
-- Notebooks Category 12: Reflections > Chapter 2 : Philosophy and Contemporary Culture > # 73