Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation homepage > Notebooks of Paul Brunton

In order to help others it is sufficient to bring forward the religious and mystical aspects of this teaching. Metaphysics gives an intellectual grasp of the same thing that religion gets hold of through faith. Mysticism gives an intuitive grasp of it and philosophy makes the individual wholly one with it--in life as in thoughts, in conduct as in feeling. The religious man believes in the truth of God's existence, the mystical man feels it intermittently within himself, the metaphysical man learns about it rationally, and the philosophic man believes, feels, knows, and applies it in action everywhere and at every moment. The average person, however, is far from philosophical and therefore is indifferent to philosophy's ideas. So it will be enough at first to make known the religious and mystical ideals and ideas.

-- Notebooks Category 12: Reflections > Chapter 2 : Philosophy and Contemporary Culture > # 16