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The outbreak of war, as well as the course which it took, led humanity into self-revelation, both individually and collectively. It forced millions, who were formerly satisfied with the pleasanter mere frivolities of life, to confront the grimmer and uglier realities of life. Problems which, through inertia or selfishness, individuals and nations did not want to face, were brought forcibly to the surface. The war widened men's outlooks, liberated them from narrow prejudice, offered the chance to expand their limited experience, correct their imperfect judgements and teach them what peace-time had never taught them. It could have awakened many out of their narrowness and widened their horizons and stretched their attitudes, but the chance was not taken. This terrible ordeal, by breaking up crystallized forms and weakening selfish organizations, gave a greater freedom to human intelligence to exercise itself and to new ideals to express themselves. But was this freedom properly used?

-- Notebooks Category 11: The Negatives > Chapter 3 : Their Presence in The World > # 284